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News archive
#DamBusters – The Start of the Riverlution
European Open Rivers Programme – Call for Expressions of Interest
‘The next global threat to change all our lives’ – a panel discussion at Biology Week debate
AMBER Contributes to Nature’s Science in Shorts
AMBER Wins Outstanding International Impact of Research and Innovation Award
Afan Valley newsletter reports on the newly funded project ‘Reconnecting the Salmon Rivers of Wales’
Removing ‘road’ dams in Europe: international webinar January 19, 2022
Open Rivers Programme – Call for Expressions of Interest
Salmon School at COP26
The Open Rivers Programme is Launched!
Bringing Eels Back to the River Thames
Mini international conference
Aquatic Restoration & Nature-Based Solutions
TNC and WWF Workshop – Prioritisation Methods for Obstacle Removal
Peter Gough Awarded OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours 2021
AMBER at Fish Passage Conference 2021
AMBER Attends EC Workshop on Developing EU Restoration Targets
Dam Removal Goes Alps!
AMBER on Display
Small but damaging: new blog post on The Applied Ecologist
AMBER Results Presented at Greens/EFA Biodiversity Working Group
Inland Fisheries Ireland to lead
Welsh Higher Education Brussels Showcases AMBER
Research on river fragmentation is on the spotlight
New AMBER publication in Nature: Europe’s rivers are broken, but there is a fix
AMBER Research Offers Insights into Meeting the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030’s Targets for Free-Flowing Rivers
AMBER at EU Green Week 2020
Massive decline in migratory freshwater fish populations could threaten livelihoods of millions, warns new report
AMBER Summer camp was a success!
Our webinar recording is now available!
Our research finds at least 100,000 obsolete barriers are fragmenting and deteriorating Europe’s Rivers
Global Swimways Webinar Webinar
The AMBER ECOSTAT Webinar – Turning Adversity Into Success!
15 positions for Early Stage Researchers
New research on barrier impacts published by RECONNECT
News in the Netherlands highlights AMBER work on river fragmentation
AMBER Visits China
Symposium on fluvial connectivity in Andalusia Mediterranean Basins
AMBER Annual General Meeting 2019 Recap
Retrofitting works begin on the Poutes Dam on the River Allier
AMBER attends the Green Man Festival
AMBER in The Guardian: To save our fish, we must unblock rivers
Barrier adaptation in action!
Symposium on Connectivity in Mediterranean Rivers
There are more barriers in UK rivers than we think – and they’re causing problems
Removing old structures from rivers could restore vital water flow
AMBER on Spanish TV!
Professor Zhe Li and Dr Lunhui Lu from China visit Swansea University as guests of AMBER
Workshop: The Challenge of restoring river continuity: lessons learned and advances made in the EU context (AMBER Project)
First AMBER results as call for European action
When protecting rivers, there is strength in numbers
Fully funded 1 year research scholarship
No more dams on the Nalón River
AMBER study shows free flowing rivers hardly exist anymore in Europe
AMBER National Workshop in Lithuania
Stream fragmentation in Great Britain
AMBER workshop along the Guadarrama River in Spain
Improving lamprey upstream passage at small microhydropower dams
Can we save the Atlantic salmon?
Inclusivity and river management plans: the importance of involving affected communities
New Barrier Tracker App update enables downloading own records
Impact of local knowledge on new hydropower plans
Out with the old and in with the renovated dams
Measuring the impacts of barriers and climate change on riverine habitats
SMIRES workshop on Citizen Science
Removing dams can be risky too
Detecting exotic species in protected areas
The Spanish Supreme Court rules in favor of NGOs to protect Spanish rivers and wetlands
A walk along the river basin
On a more technical note: testing our new tool
AMBER collaborates with European project SUDOANG
Growing our impact by cooperation
Greater Thames Estuary Fish Migration Roadmap
Modelling fish habitat to determine the impacts of barriers
New tool in Scotland may help prioritize river management decisions
Global growth in hydropower plans triggers debate about large and small scale hydropower
JOB OPENING: AMBER Project Manager
Swansea Science Festival: Let it Flow!
Are the current engineering solutions sufficient to save migrating fish?
Why the Barrier Tracker app is one of the keys to river connectivity in Lithuania
In five years, hydropower will still be the biggest source of renewable energy
Josh Jones in BBC Wales Today
One fish, two fish, can I get through, fish
Water is Life
What does society think about dams?
Weir removal in River Trend, Denmark
“It’s not on the map!”
Creating local “AMBERssadors” in Spain
River Restoration Workshop, Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) Europe 2018
How the AMBER Citizen Science project will make a difference in Scotland.
To remove or not to remove…
Stand in Solidarity with Migratory Fishes
Hundreds band together in protest of new damming plans
BBC reports on the importance of the AMBER project in Wales
Barrier Tracker also translated into Ukrainian and Slovenian
DAM REMOVAL EUROPE: Removing tens of thousands of obsolete dams in Europe will bring rivers back to life
Large increase in smolt after weirs removed from river
More Rivers Opened and Weirs Removed in Spain
DAMNATION launches the Citizen Science Program in the Rivers and Lochs Institute
The Spring Family Day at Swansea University hosts the launch of the AMBER Citizen Science Program
Switzerland launches the Barrier Tracker app next to a free flowing Sihl in Zurich
Poland launches the Barrier Tracker app in the Jeziorka River
AMBER & Dam removal Europe seminar and field visit
Rioseco learns how to help the migratory journey of the trout with the Barrier Tracker app
Politecnico di Milano met river scientists from all around the world to talk about river connectivity and the Barrier Tracker application
Questions and answers on barriers to fish migration during the InfoFish
Fisheries scientists from the University of Southampton and the National Trust staff launching the Barrier Tracker app
Launch of the Barrier Tracker app celebrated in the Netherlands with the Happy Fish On Tour
A Big Win-Win – Making both fish and people happy by removing barriers
Drone survey for the Upper Garry (River Ness)
We are pleased to introduce the FIThydro project
AMBER is looking for cooperation in the field
Ingenieurbüro Kauppert hosts a WP3 meeting in Heidelberg
When will we eat a sturgeon from Wisła River? Conversation with prof. Piotr Parasiewicz
Fish passes: design, construction & maintenance
Barrow Catchment Barrier Assessment
Barrier Tracker app will be translated into 9 languages
Results of the field validation in Spain: 100 obstacles in 100 km of rivers
River fragmentation and barrier assessment methods in Ireland: Research Seminar day by Inland Fisheries Ireland
European Barrier Atlas Meeting in Milan
WP4 Case Studies and WP5 Communication and Dissemination meetings
SSIFI presents AMBER in the Center for Biological and Chemical Sciences of the University of Warsaw
Politecnico di Milano presents the Amber ATLAS in the Webinar series
Fruitful cooperation between H2020 projects: AMBER and FIThydro
Report on Downstream migration of European silver eel at three German hydropower stations
Removal of the River Eamont’s Carleton Hall weir and Low Mill weir – Durham University’s role
Barriers also ruin ideal habitats
Challenging the salmonid paradigm
Field validation for the barrier ATLAS
Knowledge exchange on AMBER
Let it Flow, the AMBER Citizen Science programme
Driving forward with connectivity in Milan: 2nd AMBER General Assembly
Using drones for quantitative habitat surveys: The case of Selside weir
S. Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute progressing on work packages 1, 2 and 4
Danish National Institute of Aquatic Resources uses drones for survey
AMBER project promoted in conferences all over Europe
What are the AMBER partners working on lately? Check out their progress
EDF launches a novel project to improve the migration of wild salmon downstream the Allier River
The University of Oviedo launches a survey on social attitudes towards dams and reservoirs
Over 2500 potential barriers have been identified by Inland Fisheries Ireland
AMBER is recruiting
Free Webinar on Channel Response to Dam Removal Sediment Release, 25th April 2017
Dams on Nalon-Narcea basin
Getting past the barriers
Loire-Allier River Case Study
AMBER Launching Meeting in Poland
Inland Fisheries Ireland involvement in AMBER
Politecnico di Milano’s work on AMBER
University of Southampton’s work on AMBER
AMBER has officially started in Switzerland!
AMBER Launch Event in Spain
AMBER Launch Event in Ireland
Let It Flow
Launch of AMBER
Barrier Assessment Workshop
Trials of barrier assessment methodologies
Request for tenders
Kick-off meeting in Poland
Barrier Tools
Barrier Atlas
The University of Oviedo celebrates the World Fish Migration Day 2016 and presents upcoming AMBER project