On 8th June, TNC and WWF hosted a jointly organised online workshop that aimed to expose participants to what methods and tools are tried, tested and in development, and to act as a sounding board for the key European stakeholders.
Over 120 attendees registered for the workshop that covered prioritisation approaches from the pan-Europe to basin-scale perspectives, and included details of how the methodologies were developed, utility aspects and strategic questions to support ongoing and future implementation to support the EU 2030 Biodiversity Strategy and Nature Restoration Plan.
Speakers represented Public Institutions, EU Member States, NGOs and Universities, including AMBER’s Professor Garcia de Leaniz who gave a presentation, titled “Strategies for barrier prioritization and reconnection of Europe’s Rivers”, detailing how AMBER research can support prioritisation modelling for the removal of river barriers. Information on the workshop, including the event recording and a comprehensive report on workshop discussions, can be found here.