Let It Flow | Reconnecting People with Rivers Magazine produced for the EU Horizon 2020 AMBER project
The origin of this magazine stems from a project involving scientists, representatives from the hydropower industry, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations who gathered to make an impact on Europe’s water management. This EU Horizon 2020 funded project, called AMBER, aimed to produce the first comprehensive Pan-European Atlas of river barriers and develop a range of tools to help managers prioritize the restoration of stream connectivity. Throughout this magazine, we share results, thoughts, and ambitions for the future. Inside, we illustrate the issues of river fragmentation and restoration in Europe and abroad and what can be done to tackle these challenges. Please enjoy our free online version with links to our associated research or please feel free to order a physical copy yourself through the form below. For a more in-depth guide to our tools and results, please download our AMBER Field Manual (available soon). We hope you enjoy this magazine.