DAMNATION launches the Citizen Science Program in the Rivers and Lochs Institute
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University of Highlands and Islands

DAMNATION launches the Citizen Science Program in the Rivers and Lochs Institute

To celebrate the AMBER Citizen Science Program, the Rivers and Lochs Institute hosted a film screening of “DamNation” under the World Fish Migration Day umbrella. This documentary explains the history of dams in the US and the new wave of dam removals to restore river connectivity and salmon migration.
The film was screened on Tuesday 17 April at Inverness College and the event was attended by undergraduate environmental studies students, university staff, a local councillor and members of conservation organisations.

After the film there was a lively discussion on the future of dam removal in Scotland and across Europe, the Barrier Tracker app and AMBER website portal and the applications of the citizen science programs.
On the following day, an open day was organised at the Glengarry Heritage Centre to engage with local residents and hear their views on the history, construction, operation and impacts of Garry Dam and Quoich Dam, the case study dams for the Scottish AMBER case study. Local fishermen, river bailiffs and people employed by the hydro dam and fish farms were in attendance. Dr Lucio Marcello gave a short presentation outlining the AMBER project and the Scottish case study, after showing a short documentary on World Fish Migration Day