AMBER in The Guardian: To save our fish, we must unblock rivers
Barrier adaptation in action!
August 30, 2019
AMBER attends the Green Man Festival
September 3, 2019

"AMBER in The Guardian: To save our fish, we must unblock rivers!"

In a recent Guardian article, researchers from AMBER, Peter Jones, Josh Jones, and Carlos Garcia de Leaniz, speak about their findings that only 1% of rivers in the UK are free-flowing. They, along with colleague Richard O'Rorke explain the need to remove old and out-of-use barriers and retrofit the rest to allow for river continuity.

We anticipate that the research and tools that stem from the AMBER project will guide the decisions of river managers, environmental planners, and water basin managers/authorities to allow for more river habitat connectivity in Europe. By reconnecting our rivers, we may reach the Water Framework Directive goals of "good ecological status" for these freshwater bodies.