Barrow Catchment Barrier Assessment
January 17, 2018When will we eat a sturgeon from Wisła River? Conversation with prof. Piotr Parasiewicz
February 20, 2018
Want to learn more on key criteria and main mistakes when designing fish passes?
Professor Carlos Garcia De Leaniz, Swansea University and coordinator of the AMBER project, presented "Fish passes: design, construction & maintenance" in the Webinar series "Restoring river continuity: methods and open challenges" organized by Wetlands International - European Association and the Italian Centre for River Restoration.
In particular, the session focused on the AMBER project and its challenges to find solutions to mitigate barriers with fish passes. Assessing the effect of connectivity of freshwater systems has been one of the top priorities according to the European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy (EPBRS) and this is an on-going topic of discussion and of research.Click here to watch this webinar on YouTube or download the presentation
Wetlands International - European Association and the Italian Center for River Restoration have organized a series of webinars explaining methods and challenges of river restoration with a specific focus on improving river connectivity. The aim of these webinar series is to share best practices and promote the debate on new restoration approaches with governments, CSOs, knowledge-based organisations, other stakeholders and interested citizens, to ensure that effective solutions are taken up in water management.
Visit their website for more information and links to all webinars: