Poutès Dam, River Allier, France
Quoich Dam, River Garry, Scotland
July 30, 2020
Włocławek Dam, River Vistula, Poland
December 20, 2017
Case Study Number: 3
Dam name: Poutes
River name: Allier
River extension: 420,7 km
RIVER surface area: 14,350 Km2
Built date: 1941
Hydropower concession: 1956
Status: Active, concession to 2075
AMBER TOOLS: Drone Survey (D2.4), Molecular toolkit (D2.5)


The ability to produce electricity has altered the ecological situation extensively in the Allier river system, especially with the advances in engineering which have slowly allowed the construction of larger dams. This very rapid development of hydropower plants on all large and small rivers has had major consequences including, the disappearance and decline of many populations of migratory fish.

Poutès dam is located in the upper River Allier (France), the main tributary of the River Loire. This river is of great importance for Atlantic salmon, as it includes the most functional spawning zones of the Loire River basin, especially in the area of the Poutès dam. The dam was built in 1941 and constituted a total barrier to migration until 1986. Fish passage solutions for upstream (in 1986) and downstream migration (in 1987) were then implemented and progressively improved from 1986 to the early 2000s. However, a number of problems remained: migratory delay for upstream and downstream migration and difficulty in using the fishways.

Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is a famous anadromous species, with both juveniles (smolts) and adults undertaking long migrations between freshwater and marine habitats. Unfortunately, the species has undergone a general decline. Recruitment of the European stock has been divided almost three-fold (from 8 to 3 million) since the early 1970s and river fragmentation is frequently reported as the main cause of this decline.


  • Direct or delayed mortality when encountering hydroelectric facilities
  • Elevation of the energy cost of migration, exposing fish to predation and reduced passage success
  • Decreased migration speed and decreased smolt survival as migration timing and optimum environmental conditions are out of phase


AMBER investigated whether eDNA can recover reliable information about communities of fish, invertebrates and primary producers (cyanobacteria, algae and vascular plants) that may contribute to an assessment of stream connectivity. To this aim, twenty sites distributed along an altitudinal gradient of approximately 1000m along the mainstream of the Allier river (Loire basin, central France) were sampled at relatively constant increments in altitude of 50m, covering over 400km of stream. Thirty-two barriers had been previously recorded for this length of the river, including ramps/bed sills, culverts, weirs and dams that are distributed along the main-stream sampling range.

The project also analysed migration dynamics, transfer rates and passage hours and residence time and behaviour in the reservoir


  • Drone survey (D2.4)
  • Molecular toolkit (D2.5)


In 2011, it was decided to reconfigure the Poutès dam. Objectives were set to maintain hydropower production while meeting ecological connectivity requirements (for sediment and fish).

Temporary operating measures were implemented in the interim period, in 2017 of lowering the reservoir level from 1st March, creating a functional bypass system, softening the bypass walls to prevent abrasion injury and modulation of turbine operation for 20 nights, from 7pm to 7am, local time, when smolts were caught in the rotary screw or when river flow exceeded a threshold of 20 m3.s-1.

In 2018, it was decided to entirely stop the turbine operations instead of merely modulating them.


When the Poutès-Monistrol hydropower complex was relicensed in 2011, and after several years of concerted discussions between the French authorities, the hydropower company EDF, local representatives and environmental protection associations, it was decided to reconfigure the Poutès dam. Objectives were set to maintain hydropower production while meeting ecological connectivity requirements (for sediment and fish). These objectives were supported by an ambitious scientific program to monitor the ecological benefit of the reconfiguration.


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